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Avascular Necrosis Hip Treatment


Avascular necrosis of hip needs assessment of clinical symptoms and careful examination of the hips.

X-rays. X-rays can show the changes in the bone in AVN hip. However in early stages x-rays may appear completely normal. 

MRI Scan and CT Scan. These two are useful modalities to identify early stages of AVN Hip.



Early stages (Stage I and II )AVN hip management includes medications. Medications are known to help to an extent but are usually not sufficient to salvage the problem. Medications prescribed depends on the patient's condition and other medical issues. Medications routinely used to treat AVN are

Osteoporosis medications. Eg: Alendronate

Anti-cholesterol medications. Eg: Rosuvastatin

Blood thinners. Eg: Ecosprin


As the progression is inevitable in majority of patients, it is prudent to consider conservative bone and cartilage saving surgeries in the early stages of the AVN Hip.

Core Decompression with Stem Cell Therapy


This is the most advanced way of treating AVN hips as of now. It helps by reducing the pressure and regrowth of the blood vessels. The stem cells help in regrowth of the bone. This procedure is done with small cuts of about 3 cm on the side of the hip. This surgery involves drilling a tunnel into the head of the femur (ball of the thigh bone), removal of the dead bone by curetting followed by injecting the stem cells into the head of the femur through the tunnel. 

Core Decompression with Bone Transplant


This is considered to be a good alternative where the bone is of poor quality and needs additional support.

Hip Joint Replacement 


In patients with advanced hip necrosis with persistent pain, total hip replacement remains as a definitive treatment to achieve a painfree mobile hip.

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